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* Vegetables are the World's natural foods. It contains vitamins, minerals and thousands of other plant chemical known to provide health benefits. Lettuce, cabbage, spinach, and broccoli are all very healthy. Green leafy vegetables contain varying amounts of fiber, potassium, calcium, folate, iron and Vitamins A, B and C. Here are just a few of the diseases it can help: heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetic, bowel problems, irritable bowel syndrome, various cancer of the bowel (mouth, stomach and colon cancers) and kidney stones. Eating vegetables can also fight obesity. They are excellent filler foods because they're low in fat, low in calories and high in fiber. Steamed o sauteed vegetables with garlic, tomatoes and onions are very healthy indeed.

* Backed by strong scientific evidence, oily fish like sardines, tuna, mackerel and salmon are filled with healthy Omega-3 fatty acids - a type of fat that makes your blood less likely to form clots. Oily fish are those fish which have oils through out their body and in the belly cavity around the gut. It prevent sudden death, reduce triglyceride levels, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke, brain cells, may block the production of inflammatory substances causing rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. To get the full health benefit, fresh oily fish is better than canned fish where Omega-3 levels are reduced. For milk fish (bangus) lovers, our favorite fish has lesser amounts of Omega 3 but still okay.

* Raw tomatoes and those found in ketchup and sauces may reduce the risk of heart disease, prostate cancer and other cancers of the digestive tract. They are extremely high in antioxidants, especially carotenoids like beta-carotene and lycopene. Tomatoes are valuable source of Vitamin C, E and potassium. Canned tomatoes is fine as long as they don't contain too much sodium, so choose the low-salt variety.

* The overflowing amounts of Vitamin C in circuits fruits like calamansi, suha and dalandan. It may alleviate inflammatory conditions like asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It also protects the heart and boosts the immune system. That's why it's good for preventing colds. Citrus fruits contain fair amount of folate and potassium. Folate lowers homocysteine levels in the body and may reduce heart disease. The potassium in citrus fruits helps to lower blood pressure too.

* Carrots' deep orange color means it's abundant in beta-carotene, an antioxidant which helps your vision and immune system. It will delay aging, protecting the skin from ultra-violet light, preventing wrinkles, reduce cancer risk, including lung cancer. Carrots are naturally fat-free and have very few calories only 35 calories per half-cup serving. To get the maximum nutritional benefit, eat the carrots raw but cooked and canned carrots are also healthy.

* The banana is rich in potassium and folic acid. High potassium contents prevents cramps and gives ready energy with its easily digestible starch. Perfect for patients on water pills (diuretics), those with heart disease and high blood pressure. Bananas are also the perfect antacid, coating the stomach and preventing stomach ulcers. The high Vitamin B6 also helps women suffering from premenstrual syndrome. It help to alleviate the diarrhea, fatigue, heartburn, insomnia, nausea, menstrual problems, kidney problems, fluid retention and circulatory problems.

* Its perfect for growing kids and desirable for preventing osteoporosis in menopausal women. Less cancers among those drinking low-fat milk. Those taking antibiotics are advised to take yogurt, to replace the healthy bacteria destroyed by the antibiotic. Cheese is another magnificent milk product. Its high in zinc, which is vital for normal sexual function in guys.

* The substance that makes garlic smell bad is precisely what makes it so good. The odor comes form sulfur-based compounds known as allyl sulfides and other phytochemicals in garlic may help protect the heart and improve circulation. 2 o 3 cloves of garlic can help reduce cholesterol levels and can make the blood less sticky. It also has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

* Excellent source of pectin, which is a soluble fiber that can lower blood cholesterol and sugar levels. Fresh apples are also good sources of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects your body cells from damage. It can help prevent constipation, arthritis, gout, gastroenteritis and diarrhea. Apples are excellent diet foods. Only 47 calories per apple. Even the smell of an apple has a calming effect. Apple pie, apple juice, fresh apples are all great. They may really keep the doctors away.

* Water is life. No water, no life. Water is one of the most powerful and readily available forms of treatment. Our bodies are composed of mostly water. Lack of water intake can cause kidney stones, infections, migraine, constipation and heat stroke. During hot weather, drink up to 12 glasses a day and 8 glasses during cold months. Adequate water also prevents premature aging and wrinkles. Mineral water is rich in calcium. Distilled water has no sodium, which is ideal for those with high blood pressure and stone formers. Make sure your water is safe and clean. Don't drink tap water. Why? Three words: typhoid, gastroenteritis and cholera.

11. AMPALAYA (Bitter Gourd)
* It can be used to treat mild diabetes mellitus. Ampalaya contains a hypoglycemic polypeptide, a plant insulin, responsible for its blood sugar lowering effects. It can also help in detoxification and boosting one's immune system.

* Beans, including mongo beans, red beans and black beans are inexpensive sources of soluble fiber, iron, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and thiamine. A half cup of cooked beans daily can reduce cholesterol and thus good for diabetics. It contain phytonutrients that may help prevent heart disease and cancer. Avoid beans if you have gout or high uric acid levels.

* For centuries, ginger has been used in Asia to treat nausea, vomiting, cough, colds, headache and stomach ache. Ginger is as effective as drugs (like Dramamine) to prevent motion sickness and nausea. Acts as an antibiotic, killing bacteria in the test tube and may have anti-cancer activity.

* Take a couple of bowls of oat bran or oatmeal a day, and cut down your cholesterol levels by 10%. Oats contain betaglucan, a spongy, soluble fiber that sucks cholesterol in the intestine and throws them out of the body. Studies suggest that oats may lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Moreover, oats are one of the few grains that contain the anti-oxidant tocotrienols, a Vitamin E-like substance. And the dietary fiber in oats makes you feel full faster, so it can help you control your weight.

15. KAMOTE (sweet potatoes)
* Excellent sources of starch and contain huge amounts of carotenoids. It deep yellow-orange color means it's high in the antioxidant, beta-carotene. Kamote are superb sources of fiber, Vitamin B6, C and E, folate and potassium. It is  these and other phytochemicals that make Kamote a potent anti-cancer food. And like all vegetables, they're fat-free and low in calories. And hear this, Kamote may reduce your risk for lung cancer.

* Some breads, cereals and muffins contain whole wheat, which can help regulate bowel movement and prevent colon cancer. Studies show that whole wheat products help control weight, prevent Type 2 Diabetes and reduce cholesterol levels. It may also accelerate the metabolism of estrogen and may prevent breast cancer. So next time you buy bread and cereals, look for the key words "whole wheat and whole grains" in the package.

17. SOY (products like taho or tofu)
* For semi-vegetarians, soy products are great substitute for animal meat. Soy beans are high in protein, containing the essential amino acids, rich in calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, Vitamin B,omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. They're good for our heart and bones. It also contains genistein, a weak estrogen-like substance, which may prevent prostate and breast cancer.

18. TEA (including black, green and oolong tea)
* GOOD: Hot tea kills bacteria and cleanses the body. The secret is in the catechins, which acts like an artery protector, antibiotic and anti-ulcer agent. It also prevents dental cavities and may help you lose weight. Green Tea may prevent various cancer. It also has the highest concentration of catechins. If you can't afford green tea, black tea is fine too.

* BAD: Tea contains caffeine which may cause heart palpitation, anxiety and high blood pressure. Don't drink too much either.

19. COCONUTS (including virgin coconut oil)
* Coconut oil lists many alleged health benefits for VCO, ranging from treating bacterial infection, fungal diseases such as ringworm and HIV-AIDS. VCO's beneficial effects for heart disease, diabetes and boosting ones immunity. Coconut water is good for kidney stones and cleansing the digestive tract.

20. NUTS (including black, green and oolong tea)
* GOOD: Nuts are nutritional power foods, packed in protein, minerals and fats. The fats found in nuts are the good fats - monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. It can reduce your bad cholesterol while raising good cholesterol. Peanuts and cashew nut also contain Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant. Almonds are expensive but they're very nutritious.

* BAD: Nuts are salty and high in uric acid, which is bad for high blood pressure and those with gout. Eating too much nuts can make you fat around 150 calories per ounce.

SOURCE: How to Live Longer, Practical Health Tips from a Heart Doctor by Dr. Willie T. Ong
              Top 20 Healthiest Foods by Nestor Cuartero / Philippine Panorama (May 23/30, 2010) - Buy and Sell Philippines (Advertise Online For Free) Ayala Malls Online Community

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