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* the ability to send the thoughts of another a far and without the use of any of the ordinary physical senses. Its more developed in woman than man and larger in children than in adults which explains why women are more intuitive than man and children are more intuitive than adults. Pineal gland is the organ of telepathic communication. It receives thought vibrations transmitted by others and such vibrations may or may not pass through the conscious mind depending on the sensitiveness of the person. Since thought waves can pass through matter and are not limited by space, telepathic communication can be done over long distances and under any material surroundings.

* the power to have a full knowledge or awareness on what has happened or what is happening elsewhere without the use of any of one's physical senses.

* the power to tell what is going to happen before it happened. It refer to events to transpire the next few days or months. Its manifested in our daily lives usually of an impending danger, illness or accident.

* the ability to move, lift an object form one place to another by sheer mental power and without the use of any physical means what so ever.

Source: Understanding the Psychic Power of Man by Jimmy Licauco - Buy and Sell Philippines (Advertise Online For Free) Ayala Malls Online Community

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