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She came into your life and pick you up in the ground. She made you live and love again. But then, just when you had your chance to realized your dream. You were face with the choice to follow it or let it go. You choose to set her free not to your heart's content but because you knew that she will be happier in the arms of the person she truly love. Indeed, love seeks its own happiness but the happiness of others. What you did may cut your heart in half and in pain. But behind all that, there is incomparable joy in knowing you had made someone happy by unselfishly giving what you wanted to keep for yourself. Life comes in the cycle of loving and letting go. 1st, is always a wonderful experienced. 2nd, painfully cuts like a knife. 3rd, will always be the part we will least want to do. But how do we move on with the broken of our self scattered everywhere. We just can't tell our hearts to love again.

After a fall, it will go to several stages of recovery before finally becoming ready for another commitment. There are those who let go but allow a big part of themselves to be taken away by there love. They say there finally over the lost. But then, they had so little of themselves to start a new relationship with. These are the people who find it hard to love again. Setting someones free from our arms isn't complete without an open acceptance by the fact that person may never come back again.

We can let go as soon as we lose someone. But we can never love again if we keep ourselves lock in our own fears. Give your heart a chance to rest. Love will come in its own time. You don't have to hurry it and must never be afraid to open your heart when it comes. Remember, there is a good reason why we love, why we lose and let go. Then, there are better reasons why we don't have to be afraid to move on. To find happiness and give our hearts the chance to live and in love again. - Buy and Sell Philippines (Advertise Online For Free) Ayala Malls Online Community

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