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Qualities to Look for in a Leader
1. Character
2. Influence
3. Positive Attitude
4. Excellent People Skills
5. Proven Track Records
6. Self-discipline
7. Effective Communication Skills
8. Discontent with status quo

Equipping Potential Leaders
1. develop a personal relationship with the people you equip
2. share your dream
3. ask for commitment
4. set goals for growth
5. communicate the fundamentals

Follower Becomes a Leader
1. maintain a positive environment
2. express high belief in them
3. empower them
4. play for their strength

Manager Becomes a Leader
1. leader think big
2. leader think continually
3. leader think bottom line
4. leader think without lines
5. leader think in terms of other people
6. leader think in terms of intangibles
7. leader think quickly

A Good Leader Becomes a Great Leader
1. put them on a personal plan for growth
2. create opportunities to stretch them
3. learn from them

Nurturing Potential Leader
Believe in them
Encourage them
Share with them
Trust them

" A Leader success can be defined as the maximum utilization of the abilities "

Best Kept Secrets of Success
1. We must love inside ourselves before we can give it to others.
2. Our minds can't tell the difference between real experience and one that is vividly repeatedly imagined.
3. Our rewards in life will depend on the quality and amount of the contribution we make.
4. A large vocabulary - general knowledge - successful persons
5. The reason so many individuals fail to achieve their goals in life is that they never really set in the first place.
6. A touch is worth a thousand words.
7. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy: you won't necessarily get what you want in life but in the long run you will usually get what you expect.
8. The good old days are and now.
9. Winners work at doing things, the majority of the population are not willing to do.
10. The doer is dead (if the outcome is bad because the doer is not good). - Buy and Sell Philippines (Advertise Online For Free) Ayala Malls Online Community

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