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Karma is the meeting of self. This meeting of self also includes our previous thoughts and actions. We live again on earth to face the results we have brought about. Not only do we daily make choices but we have made choices in former lives for we which we are responsible. According to Dr.Bradley, 25% of homosexual is a karmic assignment and that's why its hard so hard to treat. A homosexual may had previous lives as a woman and no he's trapped in male body while in the soul cross-over the female is deeply embedded. And if this person once ridiculed homosexuals; he now has privileged of experiencing that ridicule in this life.

Upon death, all the things that we had done and those those we should have done but did not, will be paraded before us like a film review.We will see the whole of our past life minutely marshalled before us. Then we will know the causes and effects which have been at work all along our life. At that very instant we shall understand everything and we shall judge ourselves. We shall know the justice of all the suffering we have experienced on earth. We will have no one to blame but ourselves. For all of us then that is truly the moment of true. The ethical theory that you must not hate and must love. It as certain as can be that enemy bit of hatred that goes out the heart of man comes back to him in all full force, nothing can stop it.

Source: Soulmates, Karma, Reincarnartion by Jimmy Licauco - Buy and Sell Philippines (Advertise Online For Free) Ayala Malls Online Community

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